Friday, October 28, 2005

Ruby Tuesday

Yesterday I learned of the passing of my beloved companion of twelve years. Ruby, a dwarf rabbit, meant the world to me and was a true comforter to any and all that took the time to sit with him. (Nipun, Kevin, Derek and Eric were a few of the lucky characters to share his darshan.) While a lengthier piece on this remarkable soul is to follow, I thought he would chortle in approval it if I were to use this space to issue a challenge for this upcoming Tuesday (which is next Tuesday no matter when you read this). The challenge is this: to provide solace – material, mental, spiritual – to some person, plant, animal or insect that is hurting or troubled. While most of this do this anyway, the challenge is to step outside the normal bounds of what you find comfortable to extend this comfort. Not an easy challenge, but a fitting memorial for a remarkable creature who consistently sought to bring out the best in me and others.

Don't question why he needs to be so free,
He'll tell you it's the only way to be,
He just can't be chained,
To a life where nothing's gained,
Nothing's such a cost.

Goodbye Ruby Tuesday
Who could hang a name on you,
When you change with every new day,
Still I'm gonna miss you.

Still I'm gonna miss you Bug.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ruby, it was great meditating with you that one night when I randomly showed up in Iowa City! Keep going within and we'll surely meet at the center. And in the meantime, don't worry about your homie Peters 'cause we'll all take good care of him.

--Your Californian friend from the Himalayas