Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Omen and the Seen

Nothing new will pass this way,
It can't possibly, as I have counted the waves,
And I know the silver surf will pull me in soon,
Pressing wrinkled skin smooth, bobbing bleached bones.
One hundred thousand young lovers have sifted the sands,
Uncovering the sharp shells of broken promises.
One thousand lame dogs have dug their final fur-cooling pool,
Drawn in and drowned by the high tide of a full moon.
One hundred more like me will come with sea-sized dreams,
And witness with rusted eyes and scarred tongues,
As one-by-one they are pounded into smooth bits of glass.

So what's this now?
Why does the sun-rimmed whitey stare so,
When all has been said and done,
Said and done, said and done.
His smile is the idiot's smile,
So late in the game,
Yet I feel my face breaking,
And feel like playing the lottery one last time.


Anonymous said...

:-) thank you!

Anonymous said...

with each wave, there is a new you and a new me. how can there not be change?

with each wave, it's not only the wave but the force that drives it. each time, you feel this force differently and deeper.

you're nearly one with the Force, my friend. you've never asked why before...or made anything the last of itself....why now? there is so much more!!!

Unknown said...

hey mark!! dis is saloni from mumbai...hope u remember me....y hav u stopped replyin 2 my mssgs?? srry ..i had 2 post dis comment cuz couldn't find any other way 2 contaact you...whr r u?? plz reply--- my mail id is spk2great@yahoo.com in case u have lost it..